Capital Giving 2024-2025

Capital Giving

Members of the Poly community are invited to support our school in two main ways, through a gift toward our Annual Fund and/or with a major gift directed toward capital projects or endowment initiatives.

Endowment funds add to the long-term financial strength of Poly Prep. These funds live in perpetuity, and while the principal remains intact and growing, a portion of the yearly income is used to support the operating budget or an area designated by the donor. A named endowment fund may be established with a minimum gift of $100,000. The expansion of the endowment is a school priority and part of our current strategic plan.

From time to time, even the most beautiful campus needs a little work. A key priority is to maintain our historic campuses to ensure they meet the needs of our current students. Gifts toward capital improvements, which include many attractive naming opportunities, ensure that teachers and students have the most modern and technologically-advanced spaces in which to work. Classrooms, athletic facilities, the Poly Arts Center, libraries, and dining areas continue to be top priorities for the school, and their care is an integral part of our strategy for remaining competitive among independent schools.

Growing Poly’s endowment and providing support for capital improvements are major aspects of the strategic plan.

We offer the following options to support Poly’s Capital and Endowment initiatives:

  • Make an Irrevocable Pledge that will be paid to the School over a schedule of up to five years.
  • Make a gift now toward the following areas:
  • Consider joining the Joseph Dana Allen Society, recognizing donors who have named Poly Prep Country Day School as a beneficiary in their will or other legacy plans.